1. Danna-san wo Nanka Wakaranai

    As mentioned previously, I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying — on easy streaming at Crunchyroll — ended the only title that we followed in-season, despite the 3-minute format. It was surprisingly gentle despite the otaku humour - a delicate balance that Denki-gai didn't quite attain.

    Sorting belongings

    Liked: Yes, but not enough to …

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  2. Asami Takano

    UPDATE: More informed people identified this as a case of name collision in the ANN database. The other case I was trying to remember could be the same as well.

    So, I was perusing seiyuu profiles, when... Wait, I'm not Hashi-hime and this is not my schtick. However, someone observed …

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  3. Calaggie on Momono-san

    Back when "Mahoraba Notebook" page was still updated -- obviously before "Anime Notebook" existed -- Momo-chan received a special mention, like so:

    By all rights, Megumi Momono is not my kind of girl. She is a drunk, free-roller with no compass. I don't fall for the glasses or piano skillz. However, her …

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  4. CKS on Euphonium

    Gushes (emphasis mine):

    Sound! Euphonium: This has become the smash hit of the season for me and a strong contender for one of my shows of the year. It continues to be great in many ways; its collection of characters, its excellent directing, how willing it is to tell the …

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  5. Why nobody watches Grisaia

    While the game for Android is holding the #1 rank at AniGema.jp's store, people are starting to notice that leading animebloggers ignore the series (currently simulcast at Crunchy). Here's one suggestion why:

    I stopped watching the first season when they killed a cat in a horribly graphic way.

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  6. Avatar on Lesbian Bear Storm

    In comments at Wonderduck:

    Yurikuma has a completely different DNA than the Noitamina block - it's Ikuhara being Ikuhara for an audience consisting, these days, almost wholly of Ikuhara. So think Utena and then Penguindrum, but without the usual mask of reality that later fractures.

    Honestly, it's just bad. Okay, some …

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