1. Magic User's Club begins

    And now, for something entirely different. To break off with the scanning across the current season, the series from the 90s which looks like... hmm. I'm not going to be judgemental. After a tedious review, this is about the best screenshot so far:

    Not too bad, eh? I even found …

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  2. Nitpicking for LOLz

    Seen in Stripey's hiatus notice:

    Kodomo no jikan - More about Rin’s dark past would be nice. For Rin to be so liberal, I hope it’s not because she was sexually abused when young. Looking forward to Rin growing out of her cynicism via her increased contact with the …
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  3. Owen on Bamboo Blade

    Seen at Owen's:

    You could call it Hidamari Lite, with swords.

    Witty, I liked it. Although, on second thought, it's not as useful as I wish. It does not tell us much about the anime writ large. All Owen is trying to transmit here is how one of the nominally …

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  4. Shamus is dead

    I mean, he is dead for me (I learned this joke from an online comic "PvP", so it may be offensive, I cannot know (but I'm not claiming that anyone who fails to laugh with me is racist)).

    Seriously though... Shamus wrote a few things about anime, but then gaming …

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  5. Minami-ke down

    After the Sketchbook squeaked it by, Minami-ke is the first abandonment of the season. It is also a first-episode abandonment, which I haven't had in a long while (I'm a big believer into giving anime a chance). The main problem is Kana, who imitates the worst of Miu from Ichino …

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  6. Bamboo Blade begins

    This is a poor comedy on a simplistic premise, but starts strongly. On the watchlist list it goes.

    Animation is lively, if simplified by comparison with the top performers of the season. I even saw some nasty 3D in the beginning. But oh well, I need my dose of LOLz …

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  7. Nanoha's season A

    Since Nanoha is such a freaking cult where I rub, I am basically ready to be a fan of it sight unseen and can't wait for the R1 releases. The other day I saw a comic at Avatar's place (BTW, it's very funny, check it out) and it got me …

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  8. Sketchbook begins somewhat

    Sketchbook ~full color~ fails to grab me. Yunocci was a far more appealing character than Sora.

    Since the Sketchbook comes with recommendations by Jeff, Astro, and Don, it should be worth watching, but at the first glance it seems to miss any kind of special ingredient.

    The out-of-play skits such …

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  9. Miyazaki, condensed

    Thanks to a shoutout, I saw a post a Daijobu (a blog which I really should be reading but never get around to), which looks at Miyazaki's legacy. I think his creations can be vulgarized further into few basics (e.g. in DS' terms, all historically developed MODEs can be …

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  10. Myself; Yourself starts

    This looks like a very determined attempt to recreate 80s using computers. Tons of shades and strokes, and the hair is just... huge. Nice color key. I like this a lot. Apparently, produced by a company which I never heard about, Dogakobo.

    Looks good for now, although the beginning feels …

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