1. Yuuki Yuuna Yuusha begins

    The only reason I'm watching Yuki Yuna Is A Hero is because it's on Netflix. The screencap is taken with a camera. Pictured: not the eponymous character.

    You think Bakuon was ripping from K-ON? Here they have an idiot savant for the main character, and in 03 a Serious and …

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  2. Two spoiler notes for Shirobako

    These notes are insignificant and seemed obvious, but people asked me to blog them (imagine that).

    First, it's easy to notice that the Japanese stock expression for "being able to support oneself by being in occupation X" is literally "being able to eat by way of X". Miyamori says it …

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  3. KimiUso ends

    I dropped Your Lie In April and Sora no Manimani previosly for the same reason: I hate the lead archetype too much. But, it was pretty, and there aren't many series left unwatched that are suitable for my purposes, so I had to clench my teeth for 22 episodes. In …

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  4. Bakuon and K-ON

    Yesterday a friend mentioned how Bakuon ripped off from K-ON rather blatantly. Supposedly they used the exact same colors for the covers of manga volumes. Okay. But unfortunately, this is a case of history repeating itself twice, first time as a tragedy and second time as a farce. The comparison …

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  5. Humanity Has Declined

    We picked the Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashta ("Jintai") mostly as a change-of-pace anime, and it didn't disappoint: it's quite unusual. I knew that it wasn't going to be a CGDCT, but the available spoilers were somewhat misleading. I expected social commentary, but it turned out more of an absurdist fantasy …

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  6. KonoSuba begins

    I didn't mean to post the "begins" bracket after just 1 episode. Konosuba 01 is not great enough to be sure that it stays. However, I dimly remember some kind of discussion in comments at Chizumatic {lost URL}, where Aqua was compared to Belldandy, and I wish to comment on …

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  7. GATE begins

    Some people were hinting that there was some kind of anti-Americanism in there, but I didn't need to worry: it's as pure as NIPPON STRONK as promised, and rolls very easily so far. It certainly has a potential to fall apart, but it haven't happened yet. The characters are quite …

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  8. Rokka

    I didn't watch a mystery anime since Hyouka, and god knows for how many years before that, so Rokka was a bit new. It leaves an impression of an Agatha Cristie novel, only moefied by the Japanese, as well as made flashy for a teen audience. The solution to the …

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  9. A screencap from Shirobako 24

    What do you see in the corner? Or, rather, who?

    I do not recall seeing something like that happen before. Looks like someone drew the backgrounds without looking at the storyboard.

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